Sunday, February 1, 2009

My old Photographer..

Classic Photos!!
taken by: Heriandi Sutadi A.K.A my "godfather" A.K.A my old Photographer (ternyata bakat itu menurun loh haha)

"Nona Manis" 1987


"Suara Mahasiswa" 1998

"Kerjaan Bapakmu"

hmm lumayanlah bokap ternyata dulu photographer juga. lebih ke wartawan jurnal kali yah, soalnya ada beberapa photo demonstrasi dan politik bla bla gitu. tapi tetep anaknya lebih berbakat dari pada bapaknya huahahahuahaua (ampun papaa)
ni masterpiece pertama anaknya yg udah diakui bnyk orang, sampai" Darwis mengcopycat karya ini (Demi Allah)

"The Wrong Cross"

started with 'M' =)

Hopeless, breathless,
tear filled eyes

so many questions,
i don't understand why

broken inside
no longer a way to hide

shaking and breaking
cut so very deep

you don't understand,
that you are everything to me

pain so real
you can't see how much i feel

on the inside,
my spirit is killed

i'm afraid i'll never stop loving you
you have too much of me now

you are giving it back,
but it just hits the ground

slips through my hands,
it's all gone away
i still want to have the hope
of "maybe one day"